“If you tell me, I will forget. If you show me, I will remember. If you involve me, I will understand.”
I grew up in Walnut Creek, CA, and graduated from Northgate High School and UCSB. I have been teaching and tutoring Spanish since 2001 and have worked on several translations including screenplays, children’s books and video presentations for local non-profits in the Bay Area and abroad.
My abuelita (grandmother) immigrated to the United States from El Salvador and I grew up speaking some Spanish with my extended family. I had the opportunity to spend a summer studying Spanish in Valencia, Spain at age 15 and was hooked on the language, culture and travel. During college, I spent a year studying Spanish and economics at the University of Madrid Complutense in Spain. I traveled extensively throughout Spain and have returned on several occasions to lead groups of students and their families on regional tours of the Granada, Galicia, and Basque regions respectively.
I bring a full spectrum of learning to my students to create excitement and understanding of not only the Spanish language, but the history and cultures of Spanish speaking peoples. I believe that my collaborative approach to teaching builds a comprehensive understanding of the details behind the language makings students better, more passionate and engaged Spanish speakers.